Interactive map with leaflet and R: plotting a large quantity of sites

We will see here how to plot interactively a huuuuuge amount of site on a map with very few lines of code. I am not an expert in GIS, but people have developed nice packages that are doing the job for you. At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to do these maps (and much better ones) by just copy/pasting my code and change the input data.

The map was published here:
In the paper from Roland Bamou et al. An update on the mosquito fauna and mosquito-borne diseases distribution in Cameroon, 2021, Parasites and vectors.

Let’s go.

You will need to install and load these packages:


Load data

dat <- read.table("Database_ano.txt", h=T )
##    Country GAUL_Admin1 GAUL_Admin2      Lat     Long YeStart YeEnd
## 1 Cameroon    Adamaoua      Djerem 6.500000 12.70000    1998  2007
## 2 Cameroon    Adamaoua      Djerem 6.509783 12.47790    1998  2007
## 3 Cameroon    Adamaoua      Djerem 6.569880 12.69280    1998  2007
## 4 Cameroon    Adamaoua      Djerem 6.751020 13.11061    1998  2007
## 5 Cameroon    Adamaoua      Djerem 6.366667 12.75000    1998  2007
## 6 Cameroon    Adamaoua      Djerem 6.550000 12.68333    1998  2007
##   An_gambiae_complex An_gambiae_ss SS_M_Form SS_S_Form An_arabiensis An._melas
## 1                  1             1         0         0             0         0
## 2                  1             1         0         1             1         0
## 3                  1             1         0         1             1         0
## 4                  1             1         1         1             1         0
## 5                  1             1         0         0             0         0
## 6                  1             1         0         0             0         0
##   An._merus An_bwambae An_funestus_s.l An_funestus_s.s. An_rivulorum An_leesoni
## 1         0          0               1                1            0          0
## 2         0          0               1                1            0          0
## 3         0          0               1                1            0          0
## 4         0          0               1                1            0          0
## 5         0          0               1                1            0          0
## 6         0          0               1                1            0          0
##   An_parensis An_vaneedeni An_nili_s.l An_moucheti_s.l An_pharoensis
## 1           0            0           0               0             0
## 2           0            0           0               0             0
## 3           0            0           0               0             0
## 4           0            0           0               0             0
## 5           0            0           0               0             0
## 6           0            0           0               0             0
##   An_hancocki An_mascarensis An_marshalli An_squamous An_wellcomei An_rufipes
## 1           0              0            0           0            0          0
## 2           0              0            0           0            0          0
## 3           0              0            0           0            0          0
## 4           0              0            0           0            0          0
## 5           0              0            0           0            0          0
## 6           0              0            0           0            0          0
##   An_coustani_s.l An_ziemanni An_paludis Adults_Larvae Sampling_Methods
## 1               0           0          0        Adults              PSC
## 2               0           0          0        Adults              PSC
## 3               0           0          0        Adults              PSC
## 4               0           0          0        Adults              PSC
## 5               0           0          0        Adults              PSC
## 6               0           0          0        Adults              PSC
##   Species_Identification
## 1                  M_PCR
## 2                  M_PCR
## 3                  M_PCR
## 4                  M_PCR
## 5                  M_PCR
## 6                  M_PCR

Prepare the data

I melt the data from wide to long data.frame format, discard some species that I don’t want to plot and make some text edit.

data_anopheles <- melt(dat[,-c(8,34,35,36)], c(1:7))
data_anopheles <- na.omit(data_anopheles)
data_anopheles$Lat <- as.numeric(as.character(data_anopheles$Lat))
data_anopheles$Long <- as.numeric(as.character(data_anopheles$Long))

ddply(data_anopheles, .(variable), summarise, N=sum(value) )
##            variable   N
## 1     An_gambiae_ss 456
## 2         SS_M_Form 137
## 3         SS_S_Form 318
## 4     An_arabiensis 227
## 5         An._melas  11
## 6         An._merus   0
## 7        An_bwambae   0
## 8   An_funestus_s.l 439
## 9  An_funestus_s.s. 232
## 10     An_rivulorum  11
## 11       An_leesoni  13
## 12      An_parensis   0
## 13     An_vaneedeni   0
## 14      An_nili_s.l 141
## 15  An_moucheti_s.l 153
## 16    An_pharoensis  54
## 17      An_hancocki  59
## 18   An_mascarensis   0
## 19     An_marshalli  21
## 20      An_squamous  26
## 21     An_wellcomei  23
## 22       An_rufipes  41
## 23  An_coustani_s.l 132
## 24      An_ziemanni  44
## 25       An_paludis  66
data_anophelesb <- subset(data_anopheles, variable!= "An._merus" & variable!= "An_bwambae" & variable!= "An_parensis"
                         & variable!= "An_vaneedeni"
                         & variable!= "An_mascarensis"
                         & variable!= "An_gambiae_ss")

#ddply(data_anophelesb, .(variable), summarise, N=sum(value) )

#Replace text for a better visual

data_anophelesb$variable <- str_replace(data_anophelesb$variable, "SS_M_Form", "An. gambiae ss M form")
data_anophelesb$variable <- str_replace(data_anophelesb$variable, "SS_S_Form", "An. gambiae ss S form")
data_anophelesb$variable <- str_replace(data_anophelesb$variable, "_", ". ")
data_anophelesb$variable <- str_replace(data_anophelesb$variable, "An.. melas", "An. melas")
data_anophelesb$variable <- str_replace(data_anophelesb$variable, "_s.l", " sl")
data_anophelesb$variable <- str_replace(data_anophelesb$variable, "_s.s.", " ss")

Create your Bounding Box and visualize with a Leaflet interactive map.

GPS coordinates are in Decimal Degrees. If your coordinates are in DMS format (Degrees Minutes Seconds), you can easily convert them via dedicated websites, such as: (this one display the location on a map).

# Define bounding box with longitude/latitude coordinates
bbox <- list(
  p1 = list(long = 8, lat = 1),
  p2 = list(long = 17, lat = 14)

Is the bounding box ok? Change the GPS coordinate if needed.

Define a clolor palette

I assign a color to each species.

n <- 20
qual_col_pals =[$category == 'qual',]
col_vector = unlist(mapply(brewer.pal, qual_col_pals$maxcolors, rownames(qual_col_pals)))
pie(rep(1,n), col=sample(col_vector, n))

data_anophelesb$variable <- factor(data_anophelesb$variable)
Col <- colorFactor(palette = col_vector, data_anophelesb$variable)

I now only select sites where a species was observed

data_anophelesb <- subset(data_anophelesb, value==1 )

Plot the map with Leaflet

Define your group factor

Here the grouping factor is the Anopheles species.

groups = as.character(unique(data_anophelesb$variable))

Make the map. The name of the place will appear when you click on a point on the map (popup), sample date will appear when you will place the mouse over the point (label).

map = leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.TonerLite, group = "Toner Lite") %>%
    lng1 = bbox$p1$long, lat1 = bbox$p1$lat,
    lng2 = bbox$p2$long, lat2 = bbox$p2$lat,
    fillColor = "transparent" ) %>%
    lng1 = bbox$p1$long, lat1 = bbox$p1$lat,
    lng2 = bbox$p2$long, lat2 = bbox$p2$lat  )

for(g in groups){
  d = data_anophelesb[data_anophelesb$variable == g, ]
  map = map %>% addCircleMarkers(data = d, ~Long, ~Lat, popup = ~as.character(GAUL_Admin2),color = ~Col(variable), label = ~as.character(paste(d$YeStart,d$YeEnd, sep="-")), radius=5, stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 0.9, group = g)

Add layer controls and a minimap and display the results:

map %>% addLayersControl(baseGroups = c("OSM (default)", "Toner Lite"), overlayGroups = groups, options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)) %>% addMiniMap(tiles = providers$Esri.OceanBasemap, width = 120, height=80)

You can now save a stand alone htlm file from Rstudio with export/Save a web page.

NOTE: The layer controls are not rendering here. But it should appear OK on your computer. Here is the final map:

Albin Fontaine
Albin Fontaine

My main research interests include vector-borne diseases surveillance, interaction dynamics between mosquito-borne pathogens and their hosts, and quantitative genetics applied to mosquito-viruses interactions.
